By Mickybun
West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
three year old plum tree has been atacked by some kind of desese,the leaves are mostly shrivled and the fruit are miss shaped and have nearly all dropped off.i have sprayed with a bug /insect killer but to no avail.last year was the first year it has yeilded and this year was full of flowers so i was expecting great things, any sugestions
- 7 Jul, 2012
What a list. How depressing.
7 Jul, 2012
Ha ha, yes, I guess it is, Steragram. Wasn't meant to be though, I thought maybe Mickybun could at least Google each one and look at the symptoms to see if that's what his has got...
8 Jul, 2012
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There are many things which affect plum trees, and more information is required to decide which you may have. Possible problems include Plum Blossom Wilt, Plum Leaf Gall Mite, Plum Leafcurling Aphid, Plum Moth, Plum Pox, Plum Rust, Plum Sawfly, Pocket Plum and just common old Brown Rot, which usually sets in after some other problem with the fruit. All have different symptoms, and knowing those symptoms and when they occur is critical to deciding what the problem with your tree actually is.
If you have any fruits left, it might be useful to cut one or two open to see what's inside in terms of larvae or faecal deposits.
7 Jul, 2012