By Monjardinlra
2nd ? on jap.quince - further to my query below I will send a photo if needed (I'm sure it's a flowering quince, just didn't know you could perhaps eat the fruit!) - and meanwhile - correction, it's currently in a raised bed so perhaps I should have said circa 5ft6 height rather than 7ft - also, further query, even if it's fruiting can I trim its exuberance? (encroaching on path) Also it seems to have suckers in said path - could I try to propagate? (it's really v. pretty and adaptable even if slightly spiny!) Thanks again all!
7 Jul, 2012
We cut back to just above any fruit as and when it is needed and yes they do sucker and yes if you can get a root with decent roots then that is the way to propagate.
8 Jul, 2012
million thanks, I'll go out and initiate a conversation with it! rain permitting... its Spring flowers are so welcome I'll tolerate its invasiveness but if it will yield me the base for jam/jellies then I'll try to ask it for progeny! do I wait for October for the fruit to ripen? never have tried propagation do I put it in ordinary compost in a pot? (no greenhouse here)
8 Jul, 2012
Yes for the wait, yes for the compost and pot and then shade until established.
And if that don't work then wait until the fruit is really ripe and beginning to rot then take and sow the seeds from the centre. Bit slower but very effective.
8 Jul, 2012
Many thanks, everyone, for help re flowering quince!
10 Jul, 2012
Previous question
« "Japanese quince?" I have a shrub in my French garden which I have always...
Yes they do get very untidy . They are very tough plants and you can trim them any time you need to.
8 Jul, 2012