By Gattina
Second question: We have a fairly young Philadelphus coronarius, which has grown very strongly this year and I should like to propagate it. Are semi-ripe cuttings the way forward? I know it's only the beginning of July, and probably a bit early yet, but the new growth looks perfectly ready, and I should like to make sure the cuttings have as long as possible to establish themselves before winter hits us. Also - at the node, above or below the node, and rooting powder or not?
8 Jul, 2012
Thank you. Can you explain to me the reason for the cold frame, please, anchorman? At the moment, and probably through to the end of at least September, we expect to have extremely (at the moment it's in the low 40's) hot, and often very humid, with the occasional spells of very dry weather, with virtually no rain. (with the possible exception of thunderstorms - not terribly high rainfall even then).
8 Jul, 2012
You said it yourself Gattina - 'spells of very dry weather'. The cold frame is not to keep it warm but to stop it drying out in the hot Italian sunshine :o)))
8 Jul, 2012
Thank you both! I have a nice shaded area of the vegetable garden where things would stay damper for longer. I shall try that!
8 Jul, 2012
As Sarra said in your climate it will be to keep the plants humid. I'd add shade to your frame either by having it in a shady position or by applying some white shade paint to the inside of the glass.. I use white emulsion but proper greenhouse shade paint is available
8 Jul, 2012
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semi ripe cuttings in a cold frame now or a little later or hardwood cuttings outside in autumn are the two advised methods.
I've always done them as semi ripe cuttings with good to fair success
8 Jul, 2012