By 2ndhand
United Kingdom
Variagated grass ID
Give a cutting thought to be Carex. But i'm not sure think it is Acorus.

9 Jul, 2012
it is acoris, the rhizome part is the give away. it is a lovely plant in the damp areas of the garden or even fully submerged in a pond.
9 Jul, 2012
Thanks both. it's been dotted about my borders in small groups, but that is now in a line behind a line of Ophiopogon in one of my new flower beds (which was a veg bed) :-)
9 Jul, 2012
that sounds a pretty combo.
10 Jul, 2012
Acoris, that's it, thanks Seaburngirl...
10 Jul, 2012
No, it's not Carex Evergold - I've got this myself, and if I ever remember what its actually called, I'll let you know, or maybe someone else knows its name well. Has a tendency to grow in sort of fan shaped clumps rather than something which spreads out evenly all round. Hardy, evergreen, seems to grow almost anywhere, can be quite invasive if it likes a spot particularly, but not really a problem, doesn't get much taller than the longest blades you've got now.
9 Jul, 2012