By Ger4
golden wonders flowering now but blight starting.would there be any yield yet
9 Jul, 2012
Also spray with Copper sulphate to reduce the number of spores reaching the ground. Start by removing leaves closest to the ground and stems as soon as they show signs of it, as suggested. There would be a yield but of small tubers, better than nothing though.
10 Jul, 2012
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I suspect that this will be a good year for blight, Ger, given the weather that we are having. The usual advice is to cut off the shaws at ground level once you have spoted blight. This is to prevent the blight spores travelling down to the tubers and rotting them. However, it is a bit early to stop maincrops and I am not sure just what I would do if I found blight just yet. For the moment I would suggest just removing the visibly affected stalks and leaves and check them every day; but it is your decision Ger and I don't know if my advice is good or not.
9 Jul, 2012