By Nanapat
United Kingdom
I have a grapevine 3 years old on south east fence, first year grapes but nothing since. Today nothing and think I will move it away from bungalow and shrubs to give more space to roots. When is best time to cut back and move. Nana Pat
10 Jul, 2012
I pruned end of last summer about October and yes the
vine is planted in to ground, next to large hydranga. Is
this the problem?
10 Jul, 2012
The hydragea isn't a problem but pruning in October will not have done the vine a lot of good. Copy and paste the link below into your web browser it is the RHS info on prunning and training your vine and I can't better it - except I would say that it needs to be late December early January for the actual pruning. There is a member on GoY who prunes on Boxing Day each year!
10 Jul, 2012
More to the point Nana is how hard did you prune? I have three vines (one is so young it doesn't count) but my pride one, because it was so big, I cut back far too much and last year nothing. This year, as I was more careful, there are those little bobbly growths on, so I am getting some, if this awful 'summer' lets me. You should always leave enough of last years growth on - that is where the fruit comes.
10 Jul, 2012
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Hi Nanapat and welcome to GoY. The only time you can safely prune your grapevine is in the middle of winter as otherwise it will bleed sap. When have you pruned up to now and is the vine in the ground?
10 Jul, 2012