Watering Cuttings
By Shirl
United Kingdom
Last night on Gardeners World the lady showing us how to do cuttings did not appear to 'water them in', (unless I missed that bit) but advised us to mist them each time we passed. As I would like to do some cuttings for a friend, and I want to give them the best chance, does anyone know the correct procedure please.
30 May, 2009
Near the end of the clip, the bloke said "So, you water as normal then" and Carol said "Yes". Also, right at the end, he was watering them over the grit they'd put on.
So, yes, you must water your cuttings but don't drown them (use a FINE rose) and then mist them if you want to keep them moist. I never mist though and cuttings seems to grow ok (mostly, lol). I do use plastic bags to cover them though for at least a week or two which stops the need for misting. If there's too much condensation in the bags, I take them off and give them a shake.
30 May, 2009
Carrol from gardeners world also said you dont always have to use hormone root powder stuff
x x x
30 May, 2009
Personally, I water BEFORE putting the grit on the top of the compost so the compost is moist and the grit then holds the moisture in. I also put a plastic bag over the pot - use one of those self-sealing ones
30 May, 2009
I don't know what you're taking cuttings of, and I didn't see the programme, but I used to take cuttings, quick dip and shake in hormone rooting power, into a small pot with seed compost in, firm in, water and then put them all into a cardboard box I'd cut down at the front and sides to make it like a cold frame shape, then cover with plastic and leave in a shady place in the garden. The plastic kept the moisture in, though you did have to go out and give it a shake if it poured with rain. This time of year, cuttings take really quick (they were all shrub cuttings), or mine do, in this way, not having a cold frame or a greenhouse. Don't know if that helps.
30 May, 2009