What is decolouring the bottom of my conifers?
By Schlermie
United Kingdom
i have about ten conifers some 7' high in my garden. Many are developing a brown colouring near the base. Can anyone tell me what is causing this and what I can do. Photo attached.
- 31 May, 2009
We been having a few of these kind of conifer questions lately on GOY. Different variations on dry looking conifers. There has been so little rain for such a long time, and then all of a sudden we hit the first hot (and indeed windy) temperatures of the early summer. In no time at all these discoloured brown looking patches appear. Best to give it a good deep drink with a hose. In the long term there is the need to aim to build up the humus content of the soil, so that it will have a moisture retaining capacity during dry periods. Manure, compost from a compost heap, whatever you use. Let the soil evolve ever better, then it will take care of whatever grows in it. Best wishes.
31 May, 2009
Looks like drought to me. Conifers are surprisingly shallow rooted compared to other trees - we've had some very windy weather, which dries things out enormously, and not much rain (well, in the south anyway).
31 May, 2009