if saving seed from my allium plants what compost do you sew them in and how long before they flower
By Bettyhyde
United States
I would like to increase my alliums and try growing seeds from the plants I have in the garden
31 May, 2009
Hi, my garden has lots of self sewn alliums so I think they find there own place to grow if you let them. I just leave the old seed heads in place and they multiply without my help.
31 May, 2009
We just let the seed fall naturally and grow where it will. If you want to try growing in a pot, then wait until the pod begins to split. Sow the seeds in ordinary compost, cover with grit and leave in a safe, rodent free spot, outside over winter. They germinate in Spring. Do not prick out , feed with dilute liquid feed every 2 weeks or so, until the leaves dies down. If they are crowded in the pot, then put the whole thing in a bigger deeper pot. I do not even prick out the second year either, but carry on growing them in the same way. They may be separated and potted on the next Autumn. they take between 3 to 5 years to reach flowering size.
31 May, 2009
I agree with Owdboggy, just let them do their thing. When mine have dried off I bend some of them over,as a hint that they might like to go where they are, next to the ground. That way you get flowers of various heights and sizes and sometimes slight shading differences. If you are tidy minded,which I am not,or you will not get them popping up in the middle of a rose bush or sticking out of a tree peony or cuddling up to a Day lily. Or surrounded by a hardy geranium. Shame if they are on parade like soldiers.
28 May, 2010
Previous question
I would use a John Innes type specially formulated for seeds. They prefer sharp drainage and depending on which allium it will be about 3or 4 years before they are up to flowering size.
welcome to GoY.
31 May, 2009