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What can I do with a Mouldy Apple Tree

United Kingdom

Hi about four years ago my apple tree produced a huge number of apples. The following year it hardly produced any. Since then the leaves have started going a kind of silvery colour and shrivelling on the ends and now this year the thick branches have started growing mould. Is there anything I can do or should I just chop it down? Many thanks



We had an apple tree that did the exact same thing. We just left it alone as we didn't know what it was. But we had pruned it and wondered if a disease had got in thro' the cut branches.

Having said that, it's recovered and has had loads of blossom this year!

Good luck!

31 May, 2009


It sounds to me as silver leaf ( or false siver leaf ). You can get information on this. Type ' silver leaf ' in your search engine, then select the ' RHS gardening advice : silver leaf ', I hope this will help.

2 Jun, 2009

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