By Madameann
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
We live in south-west France and usually have fairly hot dry summers. However, winter can be very cold (this year we had a minus 20 with wind chill). I have a seating area with an archway, and am trying to decide what to plant to train over the arch. Perhaps a jasmine? Perfume would be nice, I think the area will mostly be used in the evening. Has anyone any thoughts/ideas?
12 Jul, 2012
Try the French honeysuckle - Hedysarum Coronarium, very fragrant and gorgeous red flowers. For the evening, underplant with night-scented stock, Matthiola Longipetala - can look pretty sad in the day but the perfume and flowers in the evening are delicious!
13 Jul, 2012
Roses? Honeysuckle?
12 Jul, 2012