Propagator has cooked my seeds!
By Mikedc
United Kingdom
Hi all I planted some seeds in mini pots hoping they would grow. They did much to my suprise so I moved them in to a propagator as told to do so, but they seem to have all turned brown and died :( I live on the south coast plenty of light and its been rather hot of late could that be the reason and will they come back or dead for good? I also went out and purchased 2 chilli plants should these be left in direct sunlight in the day or in the shade outside? Thanks (sorry for spelling grammer etc rushed as need to get back to work!)
1 Jun, 2009
Welcome to GOY. I'm quite new on GOY too. Just plant them in pots. I did and when they were about 6 inches I experimented and planted 2 in garden, 2 in growbag and 2 in a mini poly - greenhouse. 3 different varieties. All are doing well. You can tell I like chillies! lol. Good luck.
1 Jun, 2009
Thanks for replies, I went to a local garden centre and purchased a couple of 6" plants to compare to my runt like crop in a couple of weeks, fingers crossed I can keep them alive! If anyone has good ideas on how to get the most out of Chilis etc I would be grateful. Ive been told tomotalite? is good for them... so I got some of that aswell :)
2 Jun, 2009
Welcome to goy!
No, sorry, if they've died, they won't come back, :-(
Sounds as if they got burnt I'm afraid. You could try again, but without the propagator lid.
Don't know about chilli's, sorry!
1 Jun, 2009