training pyracantha
By Autumnleaf
United Kingdom
I have recently planted several pyracantha along my fence and I wondered what would be the best way to "train" it to the fence. I mean is it best to have a wooden structure of it to grow on, or wire, or string? Any and all ideas welcome.
1 Jun, 2009
Pyracantha is a pretty strong plant and would probably be ok on its own, but as Doctorbob says, wires and ties will be fine.
1 Jun, 2009
thanks, do you tie the wire onto the actual plant or near it? And what kind of wire/ties? thankyou
1 Jun, 2009
We have wires stretched along a wall, then the Pyracantha is tied on to the wires at intervals - we use those electric cable ties! They last, which string doesn't...
1 Jun, 2009
thankyou will give it a go : )
2 Jun, 2009
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Wires and ties is the best method to train them on, and will last longer than wood.
1 Jun, 2009