By Gloccamorra
United States
How can one get rid of honeysuckle vine without hurting other plants?
14 Jul, 2012
Thanks...I've been pulling for years and never get it all...this years is the worst ...I'll keep pulling!
14 Jul, 2012
Previous question
I took a field botony class in class at Miami University. During that class, learned honeysuckle is a highly invasive plant (smells wonderful), brought here i think it was from england, and is now sold as an ornimental plant. Our class spent hours pulling this plant from Rentchler Forest, in Ohio, in trade for collecting plant specimins to study. Most of the time the plant pulled right out of the ground, roots and all. It grows quickly, so the roots are really shallow. Try it after a light rain. Remember, its highly invasive, so if you don't pull it all it will just grow back in no time. It's getting into parks and perserves from birds who get it from neighboring gardens. It as choking out young trees at the forest preserve we were in, hence the trade off. Best of luck to you and happy gardening.
14 Jul, 2012