my strawberrie plant has grown two shoots about 12 inches long with one leaf on it is that normal this is my first attempt to grow them thanks for any comments
By Robertdow
United Kingdom
my strawberrie plant has grown two shoots about 12 inches long with one leaf on it is that normal this is my first attempt to grow them thanks for any comments. Thanks for all your comments they were very helpful
15 Jul, 2012
If you want to you can put a pot under where the leaves of the runner are and anchor the long shoot with an unbent paperclip. Then when the runner has rooted you can cut off the shoot and plant the new stawberry plant where you want it to be.
15 Jul, 2012
Just to make sure, if you want to produce new plants, you should put a plant-pot full of compost under it and gently push it in to the compost. I do it all the time, and to make doubly sure they will take, I peg them down with a piece of U shaped wire. Once the runner has produced its own roots it should be gently snipped off its parent plant.
15 Jul, 2012
We seem to have cross posted MG. :o)
15 Jul, 2012
lol Sarraceniac
16 Jul, 2012
Previous question
« To steragram & pamg: thanx for your response. My wife is from Quebec province...
Yes, its a runner - they throw out a long shoot with a leaf or two on the end, and if it touches the ground, it roots itself, making a new plant.
15 Jul, 2012