By Hutch
United States
I've had a day lilly for about 7 years, It is very hot in Idaho and the leaves are turning brown and the buds have dried up and died. It is along side my veg. garden and is watered daily. any one have an idea of what's happening.......thanks
15 Jul, 2012
THANKS Derek, I will divide in the fall...thanks for helping
16 Jul, 2012
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Hi Hutch, and welcome to G O Y , have you had the plant in the same place for 7 years, if so it probably needs dividing to freshen it up a bit, as the clump gets bigger each year, they lose some of their vigour, and dividing them gives them a boost, I would divide them in early autumn, { fall}, so they can get established before winter, hope this helps, Derek.
15 Jul, 2012