By Harryo
United Kingdom
Hi All,
Whats the best way to propargate a Dipladenia.( The Sundaville Red Var species.)
15 Jul, 2012
Hi Derek,
Many thanks for all the information you have given me with regards to propargating my Dipladenia plant..I'll certainly try what you have suggested..Many thanks once again.
Can you also tell me what is the best sort of feed for it..I'll be keeping it in our conservatory,rather than out in our garden,so would Miracle Grow.( As in feeding it as an outdoor plant.) Or Baby Bio, as it will be staying indoors.?.
16 Jul, 2012
Hi Harryo, while they,re still quite small they will need to be potted on into larger and larger pots, so should not need feeding, but once they get into quite large pots I would scrape away the top inch or two and top up with fresh john innes no 3, or failing that put a handful of growmore on top and scratch it into the compost round about march/april, Derek.
19 Jul, 2012
Hi Derek,
Thanks for your information,I'll keep you posted on how my plant gets on in the coming months ahead.
21 Jul, 2012
Hi Harryo, you can take 3" long heel cuttings of young lateral shoots in march or april, or pieces of older stems in june or july, put them in a 50/50 mix of peat and sharp sand, and put them in a propagator at 61-64deg f
when they,re rooted pot them up into 3" pots of john innes no2, and when they get a bit bigger transfer them into larger pots with john innes no3, Derek.
16 Jul, 2012