would like to identify these
United Kingdom
id really like to identify the plants to the right of the foxgloves,i think i planted them last year but i cant find the name card ,thanks for any help

2 Jun, 2009
it sounds a bit familiar but not sure if it because ive seen the name, they have a nice pink flower when they open, ill take a close up in the morning and change picture as im off to watch a bit of telly,goy seems to be taking over at the moment lol
2 Jun, 2009
yes goy does. night night.
2 Jun, 2009
ill update the picture later as i woke late and have to shoot of to work
3 Jun, 2009
hey seaburngirl,i went out to take a close up earlier and found the tag,its called a Alstremeria (little miss natalie) would be nice to know how to say it properly,cheers for help though
3 Jun, 2009
It's pronounced al-stroo-mere-ee-a
3 Jun, 2009
thankyou andrew
4 Jun, 2009
yes very nice plant too.
5 Jun, 2009
difficult to tell but they could be penstemons. does that name ring a bell? any chance of a close up?
2 Jun, 2009