By Suec_wong
I have several blue/purple hardy geraniums (Not Johnsons Blue) After flowering, should I just cut off the seed heads or be more severe. Will they flower again this year. Several grow along the base of a stone wall and some others are in borders. I do cut them right back in late Autumn
Thank you for that, I think I'll just leave it as is with the seed heads off for now.
Our weather here is awful, so much rain, and not much sun, puts you off working in the garden.
16 Jul, 2012
mine have had a severe haircut already, as my weather conditions similar to Sarraceniacs.
in previous yrs I have just trimmed seed heads off.
16 Jul, 2012
Different people advocate different levels of severity Suec. The RHS advises you just to prune gently over the summer (I hope you are getting a summer in beautiful Limousin) other experts tell you to cut back as much as you need to make them look tidy again even if it involves cutting some areas down to the ground. We have had a dreadful summer here and my cranesbills are all looking decidedly the worse for wear - leggy and wind flattened so this year I shall, in the next few days, be taking shears to them and giving them all a short back and sides. I think it is really a matter of choice. They are called hardy with good reason and will usually bounce back from anything.
16 Jul, 2012