United Kingdom
good afternoon everyone :o)
i have a really lovely penstemon called 'heavenly blue' in full bloom can i take cuttings from flowering stems? or should i wait till the spring?
3 Jun, 2009
i grew some penstemon from cuttings from my mums penstemon last spring and they all took but they were not flowering it was called 'sour grape' another really pretty one,
there are no none flowering stems so i shall wait till next spring thankyou seaburngirl :o)
3 Jun, 2009
you could chose a stem with small buds in but nip all the buds out or they wont grow roots. its worth a try. also keep looking at the base for any new shoots or up the stem for side shoots. they work just as well.
I've had sour grapes before, it is lovely but i lost mine when i moved house.
3 Jun, 2009
not from the stem with flowers. you can take them from non flowering stems now. do you know how? or would you like help?
3 Jun, 2009