Can I plant a Gunnera in a brick housing trough.
By Obi
United Kingdom
Sadly Both parents now deceased i live now in my parents house & inherited the garden. MY Dad Bless him!! built a huge pergola over two big concrete ponds. the ponds now filled in they were old & craked then leaked to much maintenance for me now. Except there are two brick built containers standing under the pergola, Which used to house the filter system for the ponds. Important there is no more running water running through the brick troughs now as ponds filled in now. I have bought a Gunnera shade loving plant could I grow the gunnera in the brick housing troughs under the pergola. Need the right place for it ?? Any one please help
On plant
3 Jun, 2009
the brick housing is now empty with I see a small hollow open pipe at the very bottom, When the ponds were up and running it was used as a natural filter system which was originally filled up with shingle stones and coreflow as a filter, this allowed the trough to fill up with water then flow through out down again and into the pond thus constant filtering. If you can imagine two brick boxes same height, side by side one would fill up with water & over flow into the other, then water run out into a large pond now empty can I used them for plants.
3 Jun, 2009
Well you could risk it, but I still feel it'd be better if you could punch holes through the base to reach the soil and allow for drainage.
3 Jun, 2009
Thanks I ive just been in the garden now and i think your right I think I will have to drill holes in between the bricks cause if i fill them with soil they will get water logged. Ive just spent the whole month filling in the ponds I am left with a rockery under the pergola & two brick troughs all shaded. The perloga is massive and the top is coverd now with clematis & jasmin at least 20yrs old but hanging on in there just wanted to make use of whats left behind my dad was a genious at built things to last. God bless him. like you I suspect. god its hard work. But sentmental value i feel i need to keep my parents garden growing not gone like them. thanks any help would be appreciated i am exhusted.
3 Jun, 2009
Do you realise how big Gunnera will get? It will reach 7 or 8 ft. high and aroud, (here anyway) I think there are better solutions than planting a large plant like this in a brick container.
Best of luck anyway.
4 Jun, 2009
I agree with Vincentdunne. Gunneras can get huge. You could probably hide an elephant in a full grown one. Also they need moist ground, pond or stream edge. I think it would be a mistake.
4 Jun, 2009
Hi Vincent and all,
Thank you so much for your advice where's the best place for the Gunnera to grow any tips I have no pond now. Any ideas what I can grow in the empty brick troughs they have drainage holes. But its shaded under a pergola ???
17 Jun, 2009
You have still lots of options. If it is heavily shaded, go for an evergreen. If it just dappled shade, most plants apart from 'mediterranean' plants (silvery or felted leaves, usually) will do. Just check the eventual size. e.g. Choisya, Sacococca, Rhododendron (acidic soil).
19 Jun, 2009
All plants will need drainage and you don't say whether the brick containers are onto soil or not. If they are, then yes, if not, if they're solid at the bottom, nothing much will like that.
3 Jun, 2009