By Twilight
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Just would like to know any suggestions for a small garden what sort of evergreen plants would look nice and if solar power water features are easy to fix.
17 Jul, 2012
The rockery type campanulas have a long flowering season and are evergreen so give interest all year round. Ditto thymes
17 Jul, 2012
On the subject of solar water features, I personally think they are a waste of money, unlike solar lighting they don't store solar energy therefore they only work when the sun is out!
18 Jul, 2012
which this year is never!
18 Jul, 2012
exactly Anchorman !!!! :))
18 Jul, 2012
Most solar powered water features I've seen so far are rather tacky, don't know why. But if it doesn't matter about them only working in the sun they are a lot easier to fit than the ones that need cable laying.
Euonymus fortunii is a nice little evergreen shrub for a small garden and will grow in shade as well as sun. Heucheras are evergreen (or ever red!) and so are pulmonarias - both these prefer some shade. If you consider miniature conifers be warned that they do get quite big eventually.
Some perennial geraniums are evergreen. Pieris, skimmia and choisia shrubs can be kept within bounds quite easily, the first two are happiest in acid soil.
If it is mainly shrubs you are thinking of a good thing to bear in mind is to plant contrasting leaf shapes and shades, for more interest.
If you have a spot that catches the morning or evening sun red stemmed dogwood (cornus alba) is nice, and you can cut it right down to the base in spring as it is the new wood that is such a lovely colour in winter.
19 Jul, 2012
Previous question
Box looks good all year round and evergreen
17 Jul, 2012