How do I look after Cacti?
By Bigbumblebee
United Kingdom
I've just acquired about half a dozen different small cacti. I only took them to save them from being destroyed, but my knowledge of their requirements wouldn't cover a postage stamp. Help, please!
4 Jun, 2009
I keep mine in pots indoors. The pots are filled with a multipurpose compost that has been mixed with sand/gravel or perlite to aid drainage. As NP says they dont like wet feet, so I water mine once a month, when I say water I put a small amount in then let it drain. Lots of light and hopefully they should flower.
4 Jun, 2009
you just got to imagine the desert.very cold at night so not a problem.its water round the roots that is a big problem and freezing for to long .so put them in a very well draining substrate like just sand or better garavel if there going outside and cover them if its going to be realy cold .search there names on google and see wear they live .i know someone with a raised gravel garden of cacti that he has all year long sure you will get a better answer on here but ofcourse most gardeners are in the garden right now.
4 Jun, 2009