By Littlet
United Kingdom
Can anyone identify these plants/weeds? The first two pictures are of the same 'plant' and I decided to let it grow as I wanted to see if it turned into anything interesting but it hasn't.
I've had a lot of the 'plants' in the third photo this year which I think is due to the wet weather and although some have grown quite tall, I think they are weeds and so have been pulling them all up.
Many thanks.

19 Jul, 2012
agree they are all weeds. the first belogs to the bindweed group.
19 Jul, 2012
I think the first one is a form of bindweed called Black Bindweed. I would definitely pull it up and not let it flower and seed. In other locations in your garden it will choke other plants.
The second is a weed too.
19 Jul, 2012
I think the second one is white goosefoot. An easy weed to pull out.
19 Jul, 2012
Much easier than the bindweed
19 Jul, 2012
Thanks for all your responses.
I too thought the first plant was a member of the bindweed family and it will be removed at the weekend.
White Goosfefoot seems to grow everywhere but as you say 2ndhand it is an easy weed to pull out.
19 Jul, 2012
I view both of them as 'weeds' and remove - especially the one in the 3rd photo, can't remember its name but it appears everywhere.
19 Jul, 2012