I have a pond (8ftx3ft and 1ft deep ) i ant it as a water feature with no fish. What is the easy, cheap way to keep water clear ?
By Thewoz
United Kingdom
All products i have looked at are very pricey.
5 Jun, 2009
Try and get some stem,s of barley,tie them together and just place them in the water.This method really works in my pond,Good look.
5 Jun, 2009
I agree with Milligan the barley straw which you can buy quite cheaply from garden centres really does work. On a long term basis I agree about adding plants which will over time keep the water nice and clear. Sue
5 Jun, 2009
so does mine and no disrespect lillies look better than barley straw.do an experiment.get 3 bowls.one just fill in full sunlight.one cover it as if it had lilles ie most of it and the other barley straw
5 Jun, 2009
keep it in the shade or being natural get plenty of lillies plants etc.higher plants take the goodness out of the water so it cant compete and algi needs a lot of light as it is a very basic form of life.if you look at a lake with a lot of lillies and one without you will see what i mean.you will get an initial bloom as it starts growing before the higher plants but it will soon die of.my pond water is clearer than my tap water apart from a little tannin which is a natural dye which is why a cup of tea is brown.
5 Jun, 2009