ideal growing situation for thunbergia
By Joanjohnson
west midlands,
United Kingdom
should i grow in conservatory or could i grow it outside
5 Jun, 2009
Yes its an annual climber, perfectly happy for outdoors. Sometimes called 'Black-Eyed-Susan' (the common yellow one with black centre). I've grown them and they last well into late October or so. I also had a go at some of the other varieties of it which were bred by Thompson and Morgan,- peachy coloured ones (the nicest), bright orange ones. Easy and rewarding. There's no reason why you shouldn't grow one in your conservatory if that is where you want to enjoy it. Sun or semi-shade.
5 Jun, 2009
Previous question
« after flowering green leaves got a brown edge, should i cut off dead flowers ?
Not sure, depends which variety you've got, though most are treated as annuals outside.
5 Jun, 2009