By Stones08
United Kingdom
Why has my apple tree shed most of its apples this year it is a mature tree and has not done this before is it the excessive rain?
20 Jul, 2012
I thought mine lost most of its leaves due to the dry conditions in March-April.
20 Jul, 2012
maybe you did especialy when its been so wet and overcast most of the time .
20 Jul, 2012
Apple trees always shed some fruit to avoid trying to bear too heavy a crop. Did it fruit heavily last year? If so, it is probably going to get into a "one year on, one year off" cycle
21 Jul, 2012
so its self preservation then andrew ? interesting i knew they lost fruit every year .
22 Jul, 2012
i dont know but this is a stab in the dark lol . id say the rain isnt the true problem thow possibly some of it but also the overcast weather . id guess there swelling to quick because of water but are week from lack of sunshine . my globe artichokes are taller already than theyve ever been and have lots of smaller flowers instead of a fewer bigger ones . im not botherd as i have it for the beautiful blue flowers and its plant too . the bees actualy get drunk in the necter and stay over night lol . just a stab in the dark lol . someone else will know like doctor bob or bamboo .
20 Jul, 2012