By Tonycane
United Kingdom
Our Clematis this year has been disappointing as there are no flowers for about 3 feet and then an abundance at the top (approx. 11/12 feet. They were cut down to the correct level, what should I do.
Hollyhocks have been disastrous. We have a small bed and plantd 3 single Hollyhocks. One is 12 inches, the seconf 18 inches and the third 24 inches. Should we replace the soil and if so what should we use. It is an enclosed bed so this would not be difficult. Usually at this time of the year we have plenty of flowers and the height is about 12 feet.
23 Jul, 2012
I suspect the problem with the hollyhocks is just the random weather we've had this year - lots of plants are twice as high in my garden this year compared to other years, but others are smaller with fewer or no flowers.
As for the clematis, I'd ask which variety it is, and what level you did cut them down to and when you did it.
24 Jul, 2012
What is your Clematis climbing up. Once growth starts after pruning, if you can, train it round the support, that way you will get flowers lower down.
As for your hollyhocks I would suspect the cool conditions when they were expecting heat. So they have been stunted somewhat. But someone else may know better.
24 Jul, 2012