By Whirl
United Kingdom
I have a camelia that has been planted for about 12 months i had a few flowers on it around May i now have another one that someone bought me can i plant it beside the original
24 Jul, 2012
thanks bamboo appreciate that
24 Jul, 2012
Most camellias are quite slow growing, so shouldnt be any problem for some years.
24 Jul, 2012
I was told by my gardening friend that camellias need lots of water in the summer to set flower buds for the following year, really looking forward to next year,
25 Jul, 2012
Thanks All
14 Aug, 2012
Well, yes, but remember to leave at least 8 feet between the new one and the other one when you plant - eventually, they will get at least 8 feet across, each plant that is.
24 Jul, 2012