what is this please
United Kingdom
I was walking earlier and noticed t
his beautiful plant.thanks for you
r help.I'm not sure how the pic will turn o
ut as I'm using my fone

7 Jun, 2009
thank you very much mageth
7 Jun, 2009
A Very Beautiful Blue Delphinium 2 FutureG :)
7 Jun, 2009
Lovely colour!
7 Jun, 2009
ooh i hope mine come out this beautiful shade of blue
its lovely
x x x
7 Jun, 2009
its not mine,i just noticed it down the road whilst out walking lol thought id find out what it is
7 Jun, 2009
beautiful :o)
7 Jun, 2009
ive just realised i planted a delphinium last year but when it died of i didnt cut it back or dp anything with it, will it still come back???
8 Jun, 2009
it may well do
be a case of watch this space
x x
8 Jun, 2009
Its a delphinium
7 Jun, 2009