County Down,
United Kingdom
Hi all, and thank you to all re my last question, new one, being I got a Kiwi fruit plant about 9 inchs high 5-6 weeks ago, repotted it into about a foot diameter by 18 inch deep pot in my poly tunnel, everything was going great, I would think it might have been growing a quarter inch a day maybe more, up the cane and along some wire attached to the frame, in all about 4 feet plus, then a few days ago, everything very limp, leaves still appear green but not really even supporting themselves, getting plenty of water and food ( I think) john inness and compost in the pot with liquid feet, tried letting plenty of air in via vents and door etc in case humidity was a problem, anyone any ideas.

24 Jul, 2012
As your title reads as just a thank-you, you may get an answer if you either add it to your last question or change the heading on this one?
1 Aug, 2012