could you tell me how do i get ride of mair tail weed
could you tell me how do i get ride of mairs tail weed i have it all over garden and it grows through my lawn
26 Jul, 2012
There was a similar question a week or two back and my opinion is that it is very difficult. I've not heard of Kurtail so I hope it works. If your neighbours have got it and they don't control it you do have a problem. They say hoeing will eventually weaken it but other that that I'm not sure. There are one or two allotments near me that have it, so I'll enquire what they do and get back to you.
27 Jul, 2012
These plants were around when dinosaurs existed. They are tough. You need to break the thick membrane that surrounds it. I use 2 stones then mash the mares tail between them then add herbicide. You could use a strimmer then herbicide.
27 Jul, 2012
If the Kurtail works please will you let us know as other people struggle with this problem too.
27 Jul, 2012
Previous question website sell a product called Kurtail. Not cheap but claims to do the job
26 Jul, 2012