By Rosiebeck
United Kingdom
I have a good-sized patch of Osteospermum which I was given as a small clump several years ago. Last year, small patches of it died off, but I cut them off and it recovered. However, this year, the dead patches take up half the plant. In the Spring, I cut it well back, and sprinkled new compost over it. This has worked in previous years. Am I doing wrong?
29 Jul, 2012
Osteospermum can be short-lived, also. You might want to take some fresh cuttings.
31 Jul, 2012
Thank you,Anchorman and Tugbretil, I will try both things
5 Aug, 2012
I prefer to cut my osteospermum back in mid September. They then have 4-6 weeks of growing season to recover before winter and then flower freely from spring
29 Jul, 2012