By Bloomer
United Kingdom
Polypodium Vulgare fern..could you help in identifying what these are on the underside,please? It isn't my plant,but I am asking on behalf of a friend,who is a bit concerned....they are on most of the fronds....hope you can help...

29 Jul, 2012
Thank you so much,Bulba..that will be such a relief to her..she isn't familiar with ferns..and obviously,neither am I ...nice to hear all is well :o)
29 Jul, 2012
I wonder if its the light colour thats thrown you, as they are often darker Bloomer.
29 Jul, 2012
They will get darker as they ripen, Drc.
29 Jul, 2012
Maybe,Denise,but I know nothing about ferns first I thought it was a Polemonium," Jacob's ladder" till I read the label properly.,as all I saw was the ferny foliage..!.and thanks again, I have enough info,I will contact my friend :o)
30 Jul, 2012
If one was going to be pedantic about it, then those are actually' sporangia'. They are the bodies in which the spores are formed rather than the spores themselves. They turn brown when they burst open to release the spores.
30 Jul, 2012
What's a bit of pedanticism (new word) amongst friends ;-)
That's something else to try to remember.
30 Jul, 2012
If one gets into the world of ferns there are lots of new words to learn. Like 'rachis' for instance and pinna and pinnules. How about this for a leaf description. "bipinnate segment, pinnules pinnatified."
There are a lot more too.
30 Jul, 2012
Previous question
They are the spores (seeds) of the fern. Quite normal and nothing to fret about.
29 Jul, 2012