By Atc
United States
Thank you for your wonderful website!
I have a fuchia which is planted in the ground. It must be at least 30 or 40 years old. It is so established that it has a trunk with bark on it; the plant stands approx. 8 feet tall. I recently built a lovely trellis for it. I've loved and nurtured it for 14 years (even though I suppose, technically, it belongs to the Manager of our mobile home park, as it is actually planted instead of in a pot - I still view it as "mine" anyway).
Occasionally, it gets a type of blight. My mother told me years ago to take the affected leaves and flowers (everything seems to shrivel/pucker) and toss them in the garbage in a sealed plastic bag so the blight doesn't spread. This has happened over several seasons - though not every year; so far I've been able to handle it. It's worrying me more this year because the plant is in the most beautiful form ever! Is there something I should be doing (I prefer organic remedies, as I feed wild birds in my yard - and the hummingbirds take nectar from this fuchia). Currently, I regularly give it Schultz (a weak solution every other day or so) and Miracle Grow (every 2 - 3 weeks). I thank everyone in advance for their time and effort on my behalf. I wish I could share a photo, but I don't have a way to do that at the moment. Just one other thing: I don't know the name of this fuchia, but it has a purply "skirt" with magenta "wings"; it does amazingly well with heat and sun. It even grows and blooms in the winter! I also have great luck rooting cuttings from it; it also makes great cut flower arrangements. It lives in the Southern end of the San Francisco Bay area.
I eagerly await your response.
With many thanks,
31 Jul, 2012
Pleased thay you enjoy Goy Angela its the wonderful people that find it and stay around that makes it such fun.......
31 Jul, 2012
Welcome to Goy. This plant trusts you, as you have instinctively nurture it for 14 years, and as this plant has done well on your regime I think you should continue as you have been doing and I would be reluctant to introduce other/chemical remedies that may do more harm than good to this particular plant. You say 'its the most beautiful ever this year', which means it is healthy and you are getting it right - so be confident in your care and enjoy it.
If you go to the bottom of the page and Select F then select Fuchsias, you will find lots of photos of Fuchsias which might help you identify yours?
31 Jul, 2012
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Can you describe the blight fully, or maybe even post a picture? There are several diseases that can affect fuchsias, and I would need to know which one is on the attack to recommend a specific organic remedy.
31 Jul, 2012