By Kateb
United Kingdom
Like everyone this year I have lost a lot of plants to slugs and snails. Wondering whether to dig up grass, put gravel down and just plant in pots from now on
4 Aug, 2012
some one told me tin foil round the pots, i have no clue if it works or not i opted for pellets.
4 Aug, 2012
Copper bands or tape are supposed to work, and some people swear by it. I bought some designed for the purpose, but they still crossed it. Tinfoil might work, Jemmajemz, though I've never heard of that. Anything's worth trying if you're desperate. I'd heard that coffee grounds deter them, but they don't!
4 Aug, 2012
I,ve been gardening since I was big enough to hold a spade, and in my opinion the only thing that works is pellets. Derek.
5 Aug, 2012
For the first time ever I don't have any holes in the hostas. I have hazel in the garden and at the beginning of the year I put broken hazel nut shells, masses of them, rough side up on top the of pots and no unwelcome visitors so far. Of course the down side of having nuts is that the squirrels bury them all over the place - but that's another story!
6 Aug, 2012
Well, you could, but in my experience that wouldn't guarantee that the slugs and snails would leave you alone!
I haven't found any foolproof method to prevent damage even in containers, although everyone has their own favourite. I think the only sure way to stop them is to use pellets. And that's another decision to consider.
4 Aug, 2012