By Malcolm1
United Kingdom
My young laburnum tree (planted last year) was uprooted by extremely high winds earlier in the year. I have replanted it and securely staked it, but now the leaves have turned brown and crisp and are falling off. What should I do to revive the tree?
7 Aug, 2012
Bamboo - thanks so much for your advice. I will take your advice and let you know how the tree gets on.
7 Aug, 2012
Water, water and more water, that's all you can do. Being wrenched over will have snapped some of the smaller, water seeking roots, so it needs to be treated like a person in intensive care till winter. Keep watering it, about a gallon every other day - the leaves may all fall off because its trying to cut down on exertion to save itself. Fingers crossed for next year. The only exception to the gallon every other day rule is if you're having absolutely torrents of rain... the odd shower makes no difference, still need to water.
7 Aug, 2012