Wild Horseradish
United Kingdom
Morning all, i was wondering if you could possibly help me to find some wild horseradish, ive been looking round country lanes etc but no luck so far, i was adviced to look for something very similar to a dock leave just with no red spots and with a toothed leaf, could anybody advice me further,if anyone is nearby and knows of some being somewhere that would be even better, thanks all
12 Jun, 2009
You may find it growing wild, but do be careful where you plant it, it is a real thug and almost impossible to get rid of. It is worth having if you plant it in an unwanted space.
12 Jun, 2009
will it grow in a drain away for a dog run as i dont want to eat it.i just want something that can handle not much light if any and that smells better than a dog run soak away.my mint is growing fine ther .cheers mate
12 Jun, 2009
You won't get much scent from it , not like mint. Try wild garlic if you need to mask a smell.
12 Jun, 2009
I've got some Horseradish on the allotment. It looks like narrow leaved dock and is impossible to dig out! Only smells when you break through the roots. Eco-warriors use reed beds to clean sewage water, so you could try them, I suppose, they don't smell though.
12 Jun, 2009
wild garlic sounds good but it doesnt have to be wild just deal with a bit of dog wee smell nice and haandle shade realy.it can be quite vigerous as it cant get out of there though i dont want it underminding my pond .
13 Jun, 2009
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doesnt it grow bye road sides in country lanes or near rivers in partial sun.not sure but i vagly excuse my spelling remember seeing river cottage and hew fernly looking for just that.
12 Jun, 2009