this is a photo of a beetle which has started inhabiting my T.Bugnet Rose...there appear to be aphids present too...can anyone tell me what this beetle is doing for, or to, my rosebush?
By Lori
It looks like a curculio but I'm no's wing covers are irridescent golden green...and as I said it is present at the same time as a burgeoning aphid infestation... I picked about eight of these off my rose in a very short time...
Can anyone on goY tell me what I've got?

12 Jun, 2009
wow just been reading about these, nasty little critters. squish them.
x x x
12 Jun, 2009
Yes, looks like a slimmer version of vine weevil...exterminate!!
12 Jun, 2009
it looks like a weevil and they are usually sap suckers, so i guess it is up to no good.
probably un linked to the aphids.
12 Jun, 2009