By Annelise
United Kingdom
Need help with a Lavatera problem please.
Noticed not many members on here grow this one but hope someone may have some advice.
I bought one in early July and it was fine flowering in it's pot. I planted it in the soil a week later and more flowers were produced after deadheading. However, have now got no flowers at all now and I understood this plant flowered untill September.
Just read that these are 'short lived' but noticed an absolutely huge one in a garden round here a while ago?
9 Aug, 2012
Thanks - yes, I watered it a lot but forgot to tease roots out. Shall give it a feed tomorrow. That was lucky for your friend that they self-seeded. I wasn't sure if it was a perennial or biennual?
11 Aug, 2012
It maybe the transition from pot to ground. Did you water it enough and tease the roots out a little? A friend of mine had some and they were large and full of flowers. The bad winter killed them all but they self seeded and in the same year reached two metres tall, also full of flower. I grew one last year, of a different and small variety, and it flowered very well until late September. I then cut it back and it is struggling a bit this year but it is still there and flowering. I understand that they are short lived but cuttings are easily taken. So as I say it may just be the transition from pot to ground. Try giving it a feed.
10 Aug, 2012