By Growinggal
United Kingdom
Wood lice are eating and ruining my strawberries , i also think they're eating other stuff in my garden how can i stop them?
9 Aug, 2012
It is the year of the woodlouse in our garden. They teeming everywhere. As said above slugs/evil weevils and plus snails that climb my dwarf apples and rasp off skin to let other gourmets follow on, then go to sleep on the trunk full of apple, they are the true culprits. Anything that tastes nice to us humans is also sought by a whole host of ***!!** pests.
10 Aug, 2012
Thanks for advice Kildermorie and Dorjac - i will be waging a small war on slugs and snails which i have seen, not sure if there are any weevils in my veggie patch or not.
10 Aug, 2012
Woodlice are taking advantage of holes made by others such as slugs and Vine Weevil. They do not in themselves attack Strawberries and the like. You need to stop slugs and weevils not the Woodlice.
9 Aug, 2012