By Bertiefox
Maine et Loire,
There seems to be a bug on the site, as I logged on responding to an email telling me about a question someone had commented on, and when I wrote a reply the avatar that appeared wasn't mine but another members. This is BertieFox in case the same thing happens posting this. I can't find a way of contacting the administrator for the site so thought I'd post this here.
11 Aug, 2012
Hi Bertie I think it looks like you now....
12 Aug, 2012
No he is still a baby this morning Pam, its his question that has changed him.
12 Aug, 2012
Born again gardener?
13 Aug, 2012
Ha Ha Ha, you are yourself again Bertie
13 Aug, 2012
Yes I saw it Bertie when you replied to me. It has happened before. If you go to the bottom of the page and click on contact us you can send a message or you can flag it and tell them that way. I have sent them a message about it for you.
Hope you get your Ativar back soon.
11 Aug, 2012