By Sherryellis
United Kingdom
I would like to take a cutting of salvia sclarea v turkestanica but the plant grows with its leaves attached to the stems and I am having difficulty finding the right material to take a cutting. I am wondering if it is possible to take cuttings this way or whether all of these plants are grown from seed? Can anyone explain how to take cuttings from this plant please? Thank you.
15 Aug, 2012
Thanks - I suspected as much.
15 Aug, 2012
it is a biennial, so sow seed as soon as you get it and if they get to be a good size before autumn plant out where you want them to flower. they flower the second year. just like the common foxglove.
love these and they have a scent of grapefruit too.
15 Aug, 2012
Easiest way is definitely from seed.
15 Aug, 2012