By Annawilde
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Soil is fairly heavy & yes, we do get some wind from the sea but the garden is pretty shady (high fence and tall trees on 3 sides) only one side is quite open and that isnt the side nearest the sea.
16 Aug, 2012
Previous question
This must be in answer to the question I asked on your other thread...
These are all shrubs and salt tolerant to a degree anyway and mostly don't get higher than 5 feet: Caryopteris clandonensis; *Cistus corbariensis or Peggy Sammons; Brachyglottis; *Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'repens' (the others get tree sized); Genista 'Lydia'; Erica; Euonymus fortunei varieties; Hebe varieties; hardy Fuchsias; Potentilla fruticosa; Santolina; *Pittosporum 'Tom Thumb' (others get huge); Halimium; Helianthemum; Spiraea varieties such as S. 'Goldflame'; Lavender; Hydrangea.
You will probably need smaller perennials for ground cover in between as well - Iberis, Armeria, Aubretia, Dianthus spring to mind.
* best planted in Spring
16 Aug, 2012