Can I grow Navelwort in the Cotswolds?
By Blueberry
United Kingdom
After a recent trip to Devon, I loved the way Umbilicus rupestris (Navelwort) grows in the dry stone walls and was wondering if I could attempt to grow some in the dry stone walls of my garden here in the Cotswolds?
On plant
Umbilicus rupestris
13 Jun, 2009
Thanks so much for the advice. I've managed to find some Navelwort plants on a wildflower website, so I'll order some now. If they seed themselves in my walls, I'll be delighted.
13 Jun, 2009
Surprised there are not some growing in the area as it is. We have them here, but not planted by us.
13 Jun, 2009
No reason why not - it likes gritty, well drained non limy soil. You might be better off starting it in the garden, if you buy a plant - it seeds itself, and might actually end up in the wall all by itself.
13 Jun, 2009