how to over winter the firecraker begonia?
By Joycex
how to over winter the firecraker begonia
18 Aug, 2012
There are hundreds of different begonia,s, the name firecracker to me suggests some type of rex begonia, if so you will need a minimum winter temp of 50deg f 10c
this will keep it ticking over, but may drop most of the leaves, to keep it growing you need a temp of 66-73f
in a bright position but not full sun, and kept just moist,
this applies to most varieties, but not all, so if you could tell us exactly what you,ve got,it would help to give you the right information, Derek.
19 Aug, 2012
im sorry no one has answerd your question and i cant myself im afraid . perhaps you should re-ask your question but ask bamboo as she is a plantspersen . if you have know joy you could always google your question .
19 Aug, 2012