By Hannahbanana
United Kingdom
Hello there. I have emptied my bags of compost which were used for growing potatoes. I am making raised beds to grow fruit and veg. I don't think it a good idea to use the compost for the bed I plan to grow Raspberries in (in case of wilt?) but would it be okay to use it in a bed I plan to grow root veg in? I have six bags of this compost and would like to think it would be useful for something.... thanks Hannahbanana.
20 Aug, 2012
Thank you. You answered my! I have always grown flowers but decided it's time to grow more veg, other than potatoes and, as I'm disabled raised beds seem to be the answer. I have all the ideas... someone else will have to do the heavy bit! :-)
It's quite exciting planning! Re lack of nutrients. I guess all the rain we have had this year will have made a difference too.
22 Aug, 2012
Yes, you can re-use the compost, Hanna, for just about anything except potatoes and tomatoes. I have not heard that there may be a problem with raspberries, but I don't know that one. Sift the compost carefully to make sure that there are no tiny potatoes left. You might want to throw some fertiliser in with it as this years potatoes will have used up most of the nutrients.
20 Aug, 2012