By Pdb
United Kingdom
My allium (small heads) always flop over then I have to tie them together and I feel I loose the effect. What can I plant with them to help keep them upright.
Thank you
23 Aug, 2012
My Allium 'sphaerocephalon' are the only type I grow that bend over, the others tall or short stay upright.
I grow them among perennials such as Phlox peniculata which helps to keeps them upright. Also I quite like the way some of them bend over the lawn.
23 Aug, 2012
Not sure as I bought them years ago. Every year I say I'll do something with them and never do. They grow to about 26 inches.
24 Aug, 2012
This time of year if they have purple flowers? sounds like Allium 'sphaerocephalon' the other purple ones are much earlier.
24 Aug, 2012
Inclined to agree with Drc.
24 Aug, 2012
What type of allium are they?
23 Aug, 2012