By Trudijane
United Kingdom
I have just planted my arum lily in the spring which was given to me split from a plant which was taken from my nans garden after she passed away. Is it normal that it hasn't flowered this year and how can i guarentee it will flower next year.
On plant
24 Aug, 2012
Arum lilies must be some of the most robust plants around. Ours had got into advanced growth this year in February, just when the intensely cold weather struck. They were completely blasted by the frost but subsequently came back and flowered as well as ever in May and June.
They love lots of water, so make sure they are not in a dry spot. They take a while to establish but you will be unlucky if you don't get flowers next year.
24 Aug, 2012
Thanks for you answers. It looks very healthy and has grown alot so hopefully will flower next year. It is not in a dry spot so i've done everything correct. Thanks
24 Aug, 2012
Provided it is still alive at the moment I don't think I would worry too much they are pretty robust and do spread.
24 Aug, 2012