By Katnip13
United States
My aeonium zwartkop is abundantly full and impressive in the fall and winter months in So. California, but in the summer months, the rosettes become drastically smaller and much less attractive. They are in full sun and watered on drip irrigation every 4days for 20min. Any idea as to why?
25 Aug, 2012
Yes, that is what they do here in the desert. I suspect that you are in southeastern CA, Katnip? Or perhaps just east of the coast ranges? They do this in their native Canary Islands, but to a lesser extent. You might also want to ease off on the watering at this time, too, since they are very subject to root rot now.
27 Aug, 2012
Previous question
i suspect it is the plants way of surving from the excess heat of the summer. the smaller leaves reduce water loss etc ensuring the plants survival.
26 Aug, 2012